Yet again, haven't updated this place in a while. So unfortunately this year I was not lucky enough to spend awesome time with you guys @ comic con. Hopefully I'll make up for it with a surprise appearance in a meetup... when's the next one at London? p;
Right, so the extra time I got this summer break allowed me and the rest of the team to invest more time in Echoes. Feels like the development's going much quicker now. I'm sick of promising dates so I won't, all I can say is we're seeing the light but there's still some digging to do. Poetic.
For now, we've put up the website. Awesome! Hell yeah, thanks to Axel. And friends at SmartWD. And Paul, our writer.
What about power of 3 with Anigen?
Why haven't you informed us about that?
Because we never made it. I'd LOVE to work with anigen and bjra on a game, they're both incredibly talented, but we haven't teamed up and done enough for po3. In other words there's no near-completion submission. :(
One thing I can say, there's a strong chemistry between us, so I won't be surprised if we eventually team up for some other NG contest. Anyway thanks for bringing this up, hope the case is clearer now.